Orient Tuk Leasing provides the maximum lease amount with tailor-made rental packages and hassle-free service at your doorstep.
Basic documents required
Eligibility Criteria Any person over the age of 18 years or an organization wanting to purchase a threewheeler, with the capability to repay is eligible to apply for a lease.
You can apply for a lease to buy a brand new, reconditioned or registered vehicle.
Any person over the age of 18 years or an organization wanting to acquire a three-wheel, with the capability to repay is eligible to apply for a lease.
- Fast service
- Minimum documentation
- Suitable/affordable monthly installment
- Bajaj
- Piagio
Yes, you can.
5 years.
Yes. You can always fully settle the contract by paying the outstanding.
- NIC copies of applicant and guarantors
- Income proof documents
- Address proof documents
- Invoice from the person selling the vehicle/equipment
Down payment is variable according to the market value.
The lease facility could be offered within 2 working days if the required documents are submitted to Orient Finance on time.
The vehicle should be fully insured during the leasing period. Customer can select a preferred service provider.
Call our hotline 011 757 7577 or 0763205005